Linux For DevOps Part - 1

Linux For DevOps Part - 1

Linux Principles

  1. Everything is a file.

  2. Configuration data stored in text.

  3. Avoid Captive user interfaces.

  4. Small, Single-purpose program.

Why Linux?

  1. OpenSource.

  2. Community support.

  3. Heavily customizable.

  4. Most Servers run on Linux.

  5. Most of the tools in DevOps are implemented only on Linux.

  6. Automation

  7. Secure.

Directories in Linux

  1. '/' (Root Directory):- All other directories and files are contained within this directory.

  2. '/bin':- Contains essential user binaries (commands) like ls, cp, mv, cat, etc., that are required for the system to boot and operate in single-user mode.

  3. '/boot':- Contains files necessary for booting the system including Linux kernel and bootloader configuration file grub.

  4. '/dev':- Contains special device files, representing hardware devices like disks, USB drives, printers, and terminals.

  5. '/etc':- Contains system-wide configuration files and shell scripts used to boot the system. It also stores user account passwords.

  6. '/home':- The home directories for individual users. For example, /home/user contains the files and settings for the user-named user.

  7. '/lib':-Contains shared libraries and kernel modules required for essential binaries in /bin and /sbin.

  8. '/opt':- Used for installing optional software packages, often for third-party or proprietary applications.

  9. '/proc':-A virtual file system that represents kernel and process information as files.

  10. '/root':- The home directory for the root user (the system administrator).

  11. '/sbin':- Contains system administrator commands.

  12. '/tmp':-A directory for temporary files

  13. '/usr':- Contains user-related programs and utilities.

  14. '/var':- Stores variable data, such as logs, spool files, and cached files

Thanks for reading my blog. In the next part I will write about basic commands and file system of Linux with practical.

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